Quickfire Round ⚡️ Twitter is completely disintegrating. Major advertisers are pulling out, Elon Musk’s new verification system is dead on arrival, half the employees have been fired, and the site is now full of (parody) impersonators, which led to this lovely insulin saga that led to a $20bn market cap loss for pharma company Eli…
This week’s Write That Down is dedicated to my hyperfixation on pop music and two albums that show very different sides of the pop music spectrum. Before that, though, a Quickfire Round⚡️ of other things: Every day is just another day of being in denial about just how much climate change is fucking our world…
Quickfire Round ⚡️ Not wanting to vote because you have no faith in the system is a valid viewpoint to have… but make sure you’re registered to vote so you at least have the option. Here’s a little guide for anyone who needs to do a postal vote. The Try Guys had a bit of…
I spent most of last week pretty ill. It wasn’t COVID, it wasn’t dengue, it wasn’t anything super-serious. The thing responsible for my becoming a total potato who did literally nothing of note was: A viral fever. It’s a bit underwhelming. You’d think something that put me out of commission would be more significant—give me…
Quickfire Round ⚡️ If any of you find yourselves in Melaka, go to Wild Coriander and order their brinjal sambal and udang masak lemak nenas. The most delicious meal I’ve had in months, and at a really reasonable price. Anyone else who deals with time anxiety please hit me up and let me know how…
This week, my thoughts have been a little bit scattered, so for this quickfire round we’re giving into it. Brains are fun! Subscribe Quickfire Round ⚡️ Had a weird lunch experience; I will never understand why some people just refuse to gender others correctly. If this is you, you are a Bad Person™️ Ding, dong,…
Quickfire Round ⚡️ Our favourite PM Najib Razak is officially in jail after what feels like the most delayed verdict in the history of verdicts. Still, I’m jaded with this country’s track record of actually having people in power lay in the beds they make, so I’ll believe once he’s done serving his full 12…
Quickfire Round ⚡️ After watching season 1 of the Netflix adaptation, I’ve been reading The Sandman by Neil Gaiman, and I completely get why it’s considered a modern classic graphic novel. ⏳ I finished The Forgotten City, a small indie game on Xbox Game Pass which finds you flung backwards in time to a forgotten…
Fasten your seatbelts, racers, because this week’s Write That Down is queer as hell. Subscribe now Quickfire Round For all the millennials in the audience, the YouTuber Errant Signal has put out an excellent breakdown of TikTok and its culture. It’s a long one — put it on as a podcast or watch it in…
It’s hard to remember things anymore. We go through so much content in any given day that mostly just turns into… noise. That’s a bit of a shame. Write That Down is me trying to fight that. I’m, quite literally, writing down the music, movies, videos, articles, anything that made the most impact on me,…